Calls to Action

Cascadia Culture Week Resource Kit

Cascadia Culture Week Resource Kit

Cascadia Culture week is May 17th - May 26th this year. With it comes an opportunity to educate and celebrate our beautiful bioregion. We hope each of you join us in celebrating Cascadia Culture Week, the time before and after Cascadia Day each year in which we celebrate the incredible diversity and culture that make this region so wonderful.

Department of Bioregion proud to partner with Seattle Extinction Rebellion XR

Department of Bioregion proud to partner with Seattle Extinction Rebellion XR

Come join the Seattle Extinction Rebellion at their artbuild at the Cascadia compound March 31st. 4601 Shilshole Ave NW 98107 at 1pm.

Canadian Forces Illegally Enter Wet'suwet'en Country in Northern Cascadia

Canadian Forces Illegally Enter Wet'suwet'en Country in Northern Cascadia

On January 7, 2019, at approximately 2:51pm, RCMP and military forcefully breached a peaceful checkpoint on unceded Wet’suwet’en territory. Indigenous people were ripped from their homes by militarized police. There were at least 12 confirmed arrests, including an elder, and Wet’suwet’en hereditary chiefs were blocked from their own territories.