Celebrate Cascadia Day!
BBQ - Flag Making - Fireside
Come enjoy this bioregional holiday with your fellow Cascadians in Seattle.
A day to celebrate the unique dynamism of our bioregion and movement.
To Celebrate Cascadia Day, we are inviting anyone that feels so moved to share a picture, poem, song, story or short video in this thread that helps to share something of the essence of this amazing place we call home.
We are officially debuting Regenerate Cascadia in collaboration with Design School for Regenerating Earth and Regenerative Communities Network.
The Cascadia Department of Bioregion is proud to announce the completion of our first bioregional flag design workshop held in New York City, in the Laurentia Bioregion of North America. It included with attendees from three different North American bioregions and focused on how bioregional flags differ from national flags, and the importance of symbols that represent place.
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